<p>One day, Ichigotani Nanako receives a sudden confession from Agasa Yuki, the genius prince at school who's also her junior in her club. Surprised by this, the natural airhead Nanako blurts out, "I''ll be in trouble if you die though!" and ends up dating Agasa-kun. Anyway, Agasa-kun has an extraordinary obsession and possessiveness, and he has no mercy for any bugs that come near Nanako!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>ある日突然、部活の後輩で学校一の秀才プリンスである愛重由希に告白された苺谷奈々子。いきなりの告白に驚きながらも、天然な奈々子は「死なれたら困る!」と愛重くんと付き合うことに。とにかく愛が重い愛重くんは、執着の仕方も独占欲も異常で、奈々子に近づく悪い虫には容赦なし!!</p>