Listen to My Voice!!

Listen to My Voice!!

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<p>His old neighbor, Ye Qiaowen, an older girl he had a crush on, just moved back to the neighborhood. But the boy Deng Xianhe knows that she likes someone else, so he keeps his feelings to himself. He is annoyed by how the smart professional woman turns into a useless bum at home, but he can't turn her down when she asks to live with him in a cohabitation arrangement. Along with Xu Yuehan, the capable senpai from his part-time job, and Xu Youzhen, his friendly and outgoing classmate, Deng Xianhe is surrounded by women, each with her own issues. It's the start of a joyous whirlwind romance, with just a trace of melancholy.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>隣に住んでいた憧れのお姉さん・葉巧玟(イエチャオウェン)がこの町に戻ってきて、なし崩し的に高校生の僕・鄧賢和(ドンシアンホー)と同居することに。いつも颯爽としていてなんでもできる巧姉(チャオねえ)のはずが、僕の前では間抜けで優柔不断でダメダメな社会人だった!? さらに、バイト先で知りあったカッコいい先輩と、素直で明るい同級生。僕を囲む3人の女子はそれぞれが悩みを抱えていて……。楽しくもほろ苦い青春ドラマの幕が上がる!!
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