Zodiac: Twelve Souls

Zodiac: Twelve Souls

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<p>In a world where the strong eat the weak, the powerful Shou Clan hunts the Chu Clan without mercy, while the steadfast Chu Clan refuses to stop fighting for survival. Their war has spanned over a hundred years, destroying the livelihoods of people of all clans. In an effort to break this cruel cycle, a group known as "The Zodiac" begins to assemble...</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>在这个弱肉强食的世界,强大的兽族单方面狩猎着畜族,而坚强的畜族为了生存不停抗争着,这场战争持续了百余年,各族民不聊生。为了打破这一不平等的格局,一支名为“生肖”的组织正在集结……</p>
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