Doukyonin No Sano-Kun Wa Tada No Yuunou Na Tantou Henshuu Desu

Doukyonin No Sano-Kun Wa Tada No Yuunou Na Tantou Henshuu Desu

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Tsuriichiro Shinomiya, a novelist with many serialized works, was a working man who spent his free time writing. He lives such a life that his room is dirty and he can't sleep or eat well. What measures did Sano, the editor in charge, take? <b>JA</b><p>小説家として何本も連載を抱える四宮綴一郎は、目があいている時間は執筆活動を行う仕事人間だった。そんな生活を送るあまり部屋は汚れ、睡眠も食事もままならず…。そこで担当編集の佐野がとった手段とは…?</p>
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